1. multiple strips of velcro to cover large scale wall or one
large rectangular strip of velcro.
2. projector
3. tv images/flow projected onto the velcro
4. someone to unstrip the velcro during TV projection.
How does this satisfy the desire to make TV flow tangible in the process
of unstripping (an image) (via velcro)?
What about the sound of velcro in conjunct to the TV flow?
Does velcro-sound work in tandem with or against or as a
distraction to the flow?
Velcro as a filter to create/suggest physical tangibilities of the flow.
An attempt to "scratch" at the flat moving-image; to grasp the flowing river of images.
*these sketches inspired by critical texts on TV in Lynne Joyrich's Tv/Tv: Alternative & Commercial Television
Fall 2007 course.
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