1. Square double layer cake:
Materials: Utrecht/Joanne's Fabric
-readymade canvases
-zap glue
-acrylic paint (white, gold)
-pink nylon thread
-glued smaller square canvas on top of the larger canvas
-spread white acrylic paint over entire piece as frosting
-spread gold tint acrylic paint over it to make it look old
-glued buttons on top surface of both layers to add color, candy, flavor, evoke more edibility.
-winded thread around all buttons, connecting them in various symmetries
Past experiences surface from the cake in which it becomes 'relic' to a conglomeration of occurrences from the past:
Desire to preserve relationships/events, childhood, reconcile with past, anxiety regarding uncertainty of future, my mother’s compulsiveness to shop for food and the house being overstocked with food, to replace/disguise initial lack,religious iconography.
Limitation (in purchase selection & inability to eat)
Prolongation of desire
Visual edibility
Exploit readymade canvas (original attempt in building small furniture pieces)
Readymade Canvas (notion of artist as consumer of materials to create, the convenience to “make art” compulsively--this in relation to anxiety, death.)
Limited choice selection inherent in the consumption of readymade canvas (aesthetic as a consequence of this limitation--as is the case for 9x12in. oval canvases)
Acrylic-paint as edible medium (tension of inability to eat this medium)
Eating (desire, inability, lack)
+ Consumption (of canvases to reconstruct the present)