Today in the MaryAnn Brown Memorial,
I recorded 4 poems from Roses of the Non-City
inside her "tomb", so hollow and moist in
there, you could get a sense of stagnant climate.
Maybe this would have some effect on the voice, whats
around it, death or preservative, rain without
the water. Either way, it was something else
to project the poems into that artifice.
Then we headed to the piano in another room
to use 4 different notes to replace
the comma, period, semi-colon & colon,
after I had explained that the poems
are in a state of not have one consistent,
proper execution when being read out loud.
Lately I've been feeling that they're not
supposed to be read out loud because
of the verbal restraints; how can a punctuation sign
be performed? A few months ago, it was suggested that
I use a set of bells to strike during every line break,
each corresponding to tone. Even if punctuation
loosens the borders between them (regarding a sense of movement, speed, pausing,
or continuing) in sentence fragmentation, it also bares the
weight in executing those particular line-breaks verbally if each
space is an 'internal-rupture'; a closure and release.
I used to play piano as a kid, something I've felt guilty
about not having pursued and wish to try again. But today,
it was tried by sensing the tones of the punctuations, marking
the keys with post-it notes. Using two high&low octaves,
c-sharp=comma, c=semicolon, a=colon, a-sharp=period. These assimiles were
based on pitch and movement (of the signs). The limitations are open to
using whatever acoustic so long as there's variations, be it bells, piano, whatever.
But the need for tonal variables are based on not having a means
to verbally execute punctuation in every line-break, which then
alters its function into a different state, that being performative.
But earlier in the day someone approaches with a digital camera on Thayer St.
and asked if I mind that she ask me a few questions to which I said, sure.
"Are you happy?", then I said "you mean, today?"
& she said "yes", then I said "I'm not sure."
& she said "how about generally?", then I said "I'm not sure of that either."
& she said "can I ask what that is that you're holding?"
& she said "where did you get them from and why do you have them?"
then I said "I found them on the ground..because they're pretty."
Later a student asked why I had roses as part of the poems.
Then I said because of the petals, which is only part true. all the
other petals might be a lie.