TV Project 2:
*look at Martin Arnold, Christian Metz, Jason Vosu
-download Mac the Ripper to abstract scenes from various films, upload them into QuickTime, edit in Final Cut
-Find 12 scenes from 12 different films which exemplifies/theatricizes autumn season.
-Consider foreign films.
-Edit the scences in progression according to time period.
-Loop it continuously.
-Extend each autumn scene by slowing down its time so that each are worth 1 minute.
-total of 10 min., then looped.
-possibly display it in the Modern Culture & Media windows at Brown.
-The trees are looking beautiful right now so it would be an interesting contrast between the screen
and autumn leaves.
-A representation of color as it gets processesed through a video-camera and the changes of textual surface over time.
-Perhaps choosing films 5 years apart as a a progressive cursor of time flow within film: 1950-2005= 2 films every 10 years.
-Now I have to go find autumn scenes..yay!
*Douglas Sirk, "All that Heaven Allows" "Written on the Wind." 1950's technicolor.
-Talk with Richard Manning, the film archivist in MCM.
-Ideally, to have 12 TV sets stacked on top of each other in the window display.
-But without the funds do it that way, then just have them as 12 separate screens (have them all playing at once) in one large screen and projected in the window.
-film TV screen to use as frame.
-decide whether to have all clips playing simultaneously or in sequence-->In sequence.
-what time of the day to project this?-->dusk
-playing with seasonal representation
-the fictions of season-->raises concerns if the season is experienced through mediation itself, and how the mediation effects direct experience with the season.
-season as a container, how much of it passes through the filter.
-season as it is viewed/interepreted through film vs. experience of it.
-"natural time" vs. "media time"
-Just play the scenes in progression--> 1950-2005, color.
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